Sunday, October 28, 2012

an ECHO in a study

The above is a White to play and draw problem created by Prokop. Please do not ask me about the dull R+2P vs R+P endgame draw if Black underpromotes. In the interest of art, let us have him be greedy to succumb to the quick stalemate.

Notice the two variations ending in Qxc4 and Qxc5. You may click on the last moves in the two variations. Notice how almost the entire position is shifted down one rank. This is called an ECHO in the field of chess composition.

In the famous Christmas Series of Alain White, one edition is devoted to Echoes. "It is natural that the echo has spread from the direct (mate in #n) problems to every other class of artistic chess creation. ....Up to recently only traces of the echo idea were apparent in the end game study. It is particularly the merit of F.J.Prokop that we have some brilliant examples also in this field. In his hands many a study gains quite an exceptional character which has neither predecessors nor any tradition in chess literature." Indeed, up until then, artists such as Havel produced echoes in orthodox n-mover form.

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