Saturday, May 18, 2013

Wurzburg three mover

Roi accule aux Angles , a Alain White problem book, is in French. It is one of the oldest of the Christmas series. I got hold of a rare copy in December last year. In this three-mover, Wurzburg, a famous composer shows some elegant geometry or domination of a queen over two bishops.

The key is 1.Ne1! threat 2> Qxc6 followed by mate. So the light square bishop has to run. If 1...Bb7,2. Qb6 if 2..Kh2 (Qh6 mates on the corridor), if 2...Bh2 3.Qxb7 mate.

Similarly, 1...Bd5 2. Qd4

1...Be4 2. Qh4+

1...Bg2 2.Qf2

Most topical is the self-line opening 1...Ba8 2.Qh8+ Bh2 3.Qxa8 mate